ALARM14.ZIP 39,110 02-08-95 Alarm Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> This controllets you set an alarm (or multiple alarms) togo off at a particular time(s). An event isfired at the appropriate time. You can easily
specify times such as: 10:45pm, every hour onthe hour, every ten minutes, etc.
ALTVB1.ZIP 393,368 01-17-95 Assembly-Language Toolbox v1.08 for VisualBASIC DOS. Includes stand-alone and Quicklibraries of hundreds of routines which youcan link to your VBDos programs. Dialogueboxes, popup windows, on-line help windows,
pick lists, mouse support, file sorting andmuch more.
BARCOD15.ZIP 51,271 02-08-95 Bar Code Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> BarCodmakes bar code display really easy. Just pickthe orientation, set the size, and pick thebar code style. Then, set the text towhatever you want the bars to be. Nothing
else to do!
BMPLST19.ZIP 45,589 02-09-95 List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) <ASP>This control is a list box with bitmaps. Thebitmaps can be placed on any side of the text(top, bottom, right, left).
CZLIS110.ZIP 217,378 02-05-95 CZLIST v1.10 <ASP> VBDOS ListBox Controls 3ListBox Controls for VBDOS Programmers. Allcontrols use XMS, EMS, or disk space.Bugfixes + Improvm. Store up to 32,765 itemsper listbox without using any string space or
conv. memory. CzList is a general listbox,CzDir displays alphabetically sorteddirectories in a graphical tree format,CzFile displays files with size, date, time,attr.
DFINFO23.ZIP 50,516 02-08-95 Disk and File Info Control (VBX) <ASP> Thiscontrol gives you disk and file informationthat VB doesn't provide (including thedrive's serial number). It also allows you tochange some aspects of a file (attributes,
size, date, time, etc.).
FLABEL10.ZIP 41,691 02-08-95 Formatted Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>FLabel is a label control that lets youformat the text within it. You can havedifferent fonts, different colors, multipleparagraphs, paragraph formatting, etc. Using
properties, you can print your text. All thisand it's bound, too.
FMDROP12.ZIP 30,810 02-08-95 File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX) <ASP>This custom control (VBX) notifies you when afile has been dragged and dropped from theWindows File Manager (FILEMAN).
HITIME11.ZIP 27,791 02-08-95 High Resolution Timer (VBX) <ASP> This is ahigh resolution timer custom control forVisual Basic. It allows you to have timerevents come in nearly every millisecond, asopposed to every 55 milliseconds with the
normal Visual Basic Timer control.
INICON32.ZIP 33,318 02-08-95 INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>Visual Basic custom control that makes INIfile access simple. No Windows API callsrequired.
JOYSTK13.ZIP 57,352 02-08-95 Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> JoyStkgives joystick information (movement,buttons) for your programs. It supports twojoysticks, one 4-button joystick or one 3-Djoystick.
LED11.ZIP 40,006 02-08-95 LED Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Visual Basiccustom control that behaves like an LED. 3-Deffects and colors are all user-definable.
MENUEV32.ZIP 37,685 02-08-95 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) <ASP>MenuEv provides menu selection notification.In other words, it tells you when the userhas selected a menu item. This is reallyuseful for status bar-style help. MenuEv is
really easy to use. All you need to do isplace it on your form. Events start coming inautomatically. MenuEv will even automaticallyupdate another control with the selected menuitem's text.
MSLOT12.ZIP 46,611 02-08-95 W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) <ASP> VisualBasic custom control that makes mailslot usesimple. No Windows API calls required.Requires Windows for Workgroups.
MSMEGA11.ZIP 392,856 02-09-95 Mabry Software Mega Pack (VBXes) <ASP> Onedozen of Mabry Software's most popular customcontrols for Visual Basic.
PERCNT26.ZIP 41,267 02-08-95 Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>Visual basic custom control that displays apercentage bar. Makes status reporting verysimple. 3-D effects, fonts and colors are alluser-definable.
PICBTN11.ZIP 39,181 02-08-95 Picture Button Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>This custom control for Visual Basic is acommand button that has both text and apicture on it. The picture can be scaled andplaced above, below, to the right, or to the
left of the text. The text may be multi-line.
PROBE11.ZIP 42,404 02-08-95 Control Probe/Debug Control (VBX) <ASP> ThisVBX lets you examine and modify othercontrols' properties at run-time. Aftertelling Probe the name of another control,Probe will give you a list of the properties
in that control. Probe can also display adialog box that will let you modify othercontrols' properties (at run-time).
ROTEXT15.ZIP 47,069 02-08-95 Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>RoText lets you put a label on your form atany angle of rotation.
SOUNDX14.ZIP 40,790 02-08-95 Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX) <ASP>This control provides Soundex and Metaphonealgorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convertwords or names to codes that represent howthey "sound". This can be really useful in a
database application where users need to findnames they may not know how to spell exactly.
TIPS11.ZIP 35,264 02-09-95 Tool Tips Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Tipsprovides Microsoft(r) style tool tips. Smallwindows pop-up with bits of info when theuser pauses the mouse over your controls. Nocode required, just set the Tag properties.
VBCA.ZIP 439,785 03-06-95 Visual Basic Compiler Assist This program waswritten for my personal use issue of theVisual Basic Programming Journal stated thatif you retart windows, then compi VB'scommand line parameters, the final execu and
with fewer errors. This software is freedistributed freely; however, I do not take ancauses anyone any problems. Enjoy.
VBSCRIPT.ZIP 50,180 01-17-95 VBScript 1.0 - Tool for VB ProgrammersProvides a scripting language which can beused to manipulate Visual Basic controlproperties at design time.
VBSTAT02.ZIP 81,216 01-17-95 This kit contains Visual Basic files forthree programs that together provide theability to analyze Web server logfiles (inCommon Log Format ONLY), and produce HTMLpages (and a usage graph) describing the
server usage. The basic idea came from the"wusage" program developed by Tom Boutell,however this program works entirelydifferently.
WAVE10.ZIP 45,429 02-08-95 WAV File Playing/Info Custom Control (VBX)<ASP> This control makes it easy for you toPlay WAV files in the background as yourprogram performs other tasks; add recordedspeech to your applications; put beeps,
whistles, and laser sounds into your games.Wave VBX makes all of this verystraight-forward. Set the Filename propertyand tell it to go. That's it.
ZIPINF12.ZIP 43,757 02-08-95 ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Thiscontrol lets you find out about the contentsof a ZIP file. Access to this information ispurely through properties.